Netherlands Interuniversity School for Islamic Studies


16 - 18 June 2021
11:00 - 18:00

International Conference: “City, Citizen & Citizenship. New Perspectives on the Middle Ages, AD 400-1600”

The project Citizenship Discourses in the Early Middle Ages and NISIS would like to offer the opportunity to interested students to join the international conference ‘City, Citizen & Citizenship’ and earn 1 ECTS with an active contribution. 

This international conference explores how medieval societies conversed about the city and citizen in texts, visual imagery and material culture. The conference is organised by the NWO-VICI research project “Citizenship Discourses in the Early Middle Ages, 400-1100”, in close cooperation with the Utrecht Centre for Medieval Studies. In line with their shared ambitions, the conference adopts a long-term, interdisciplinary and cross-cultural perspective, bringing together contributions on the early, high and later Middle Ages, covering both the medieval East and West, and representing a wide variety of disciplinary angles and sources.

ReMa and PhD students are invited to attend this conference and make an active contribution in the form of a written reflection on the questions and methods that feature in this conference. A format for this reflection will be shared with registered students.

It is possible to receive 1 ECTS by attending all three days of the conference and providing a written reflection as mentioned above. Should you be interested to attend for ECTS or have any questions about this form of participation, please feel free to contact us at The deadline to apply is the 9th of June, 17:00 CET. More information about the conference can be found here.