Netherlands Interuniversity School for Islamic Studies


The NISIS dissertation portal provides an overview of (recent) PhD dissertations completed at one of the nine participating universities of NISIS in the field of Islam and Muslim societies. Please note that this is not an exhaustive overview, so feel free to contact us at to have other PhD dissertations included in this portal.

List of dissertations (by date):

De moderne soefi-theologie van Mahmud Muhammad Taha 1909-1985

Author: Michiel Hoebink
Date and place of defence: 27 May, 2024, University of Amsterdam, Faculty of Humanities. Venue: Agnietenkapel, 14.00 hours.
More information on dissertation available at De moderne soefi-theologie van Mahmud Muhammad Taha 1909-1985 – Universiteit van Amsterdam (

El Corán abreviado entre mudéjares y moriscos

Author: Adrián Rodriguez Iglesias
Date and place of defence: 15 February, 2024, University of Amsterdam, Faculty of Humanities. Venue: Agnietenkapel, 12.00 hours.
More information on dissertation available at El Corán abreviado entre mudéjares y moriscos (

Muslims and palliative care in a Western context. An explorative qualitative investigation

Author: George Muishout
Date and place of defence: 2 May, 2023, University of Amsterdam, Faculty of Humanities. Venue: Agnietenkapel, 12.00 hours.
More information on dissertation available at Amsterdam Institute for Humanities Research (AIHR)

Beeldvorming en Berichtgeving; Joden toen en moslims nu

Author: Aalt Smienk
Date and place of PhD defense: 4 of April 2022, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
More information on dissertation available at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Research Portal.

Techniques of the senses: 19th-century media and Shiism in Iran

Author: Arash Ghajarjazi
Date and place of PhD defense: 8 October 2021, Utrecht University.
More information on dissertation available at Utrecht University Repository.

The Hui Muslims’ identity negotiations: A Socio-Legal Investigation into the Tensions between the Sharīʿa and the Chinese Legal Systems

Author: Gang Li
Date and place of PhD defense: 7 June 2021, University of Groningen.
More information on dissertation available at Groningen Repository.

Aligning religious law and state law: Street-level bureaucrats and Muslim Marriage practices in Pasuruan Indonesia

Author: Muhammad Latif Fauzi
Date and place of PhD defense: 18 May 2021, Leiden University.
More information on dissertation available at Leiden University Repository.

Laying the foundations for Islam in Western Europe in the interwar period: Muslim religious institutions and European colonial policies

Author: Sophie Spaan
Date and place of PhD defense: 9 April 2021, KU Leuven.
More information on dissertation available at Research Portal KU Leuven.

From respected hermits to ordinary citizens

Author: Ade Suryani
Date and place of PhD defense: 28 January 2021, Leiden University.
More information available at Leiden University Repository.

Green Islam in Indonesia. Islam and environmental practice in Semarang

Author: Ibnu Fikri
Date and place of PhD defense: 9 December 2020, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
More information available at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Research Portal.

“It was kind of safe”. The role of the market in the everyday peacebuild­ing processes during the Ambon conflicts

Author: Abellia Wardani
Date and place of PhD defense: 24 November 2020, Tilburg University.
More information available at Tilburg University Research Portal.

Mecca in Morocco: Articulations of the Muslim pilgrimage (Hajj) in Moroccan everyday life

Author: Kholoud Al-Ajarma
Date and place of PhD defense: 10 September 2020, University of Groningen.
More information available at Groningen Repository.

Contrasting visions and purposes of Muslim unity: Pan-Islamism(s) and Muslim political activism in Interwar Europe

Author: Andrei Tirtan
Date and place of PhD defense: 30 June 2020, KU Leuven.
More info on dissertation available at Research Portal KU Leuven.

Neither in nor out. Former Muslims between narratives of belonging and secular convictions in The Netherlands and the UK

Author: Maria Vliek
Date and place of PhD defense: 3 April 2020, Radboud University.
More info on dissertation available at Radboud Repository.

The cinematic Santri: Youth culture, tradition and technology in Muslim Indonesia

Author: Ahmad Nuril Huda
Date and place of PhD defense: 25 March 2020, Leiden University.
More info on dissertation available at Leiden University Repository.

Mongols in Mamluk Eyes. Representing Ethnic Others in the Medieval Middle East

Author: Josephine van den Bent
Date and place of PhD defense: 31 January 2020, University of Amsterdam.
More info on dissertation available at UvA-Dare.

The Hadrami Arabs of Ambon: an Ethnographic Study of Diasporic Identity Construction in Everyday Life Practices

Author: Istiqomah
Date and place of PhD defense: 9 January 2020, University of Groningen.
More info on dissertation available at Groningen Repository.

Unearthing Literature: The Case of Hussein Barghouti

Author: Haneen Omari
Date and place of PhD defense: 29 October 2019, Leiden University.
More info on dissertation available at Leiden University Repository.

Het Bijbelse referentiekader van de contemporaine Nederlandse vertalers van de Koran

Author: Tijani Boulaouali
Date and place of PhD defense: 28 October 2019, KU Leuven.
More info on dissertation available at Research Portal KU Leuven.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Allegiance and Authority in the Poetical Discourse of Muhammad’s Lifetime

Author: Marije Coster
Date and place of PhD defense: 18 April 2019, University of Groningen.
More info on dissertation available at Groningen repository.

Languages of Islam and Christianity in Post-Soviet Russia: institutional discourses, community strategies and missionary rhetoric

Author: Gulnaz Sibgatullina
Date and place of PhD defense: 20 February 2019, Leiden University.
Full text available via Leiden University Repository.

No Man’s Land: Gender and Sexuality in Erotic Narratives of the Late Ottoman Empire

Author: Müge Özoglu
Date and place of PhD defense: 5 December 2018, Leiden University
Full text available via Open Access Leiden University.

‘For Women Only’: Gender Segregation, Islam, and Modernity in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait

Author: Annemarie van Geel
Date and place of PhD defense: 28 June 2018, Radboud University Nijmegen
Full text available via Radboud Repository.

Women Who Run With The Wolves. Online stories and roles of Spanish-speaking jihadist women

Author: Claudia Carvalho
Date and place of PhD defense: 19 June 2018, Tilburg University
Full text available via Tilburg University Research Portal.

Purification of Hearts

Author: M. Amer
Date and place of PhD defense: 6 March 2018, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
Full text available via Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Research Portal.

La popularité de Tariq Ramadan au Maroc

Author: Ellen van de Bovenkamp
Date and place of PhD defense: 5 December 2017, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
Full text available via VU-DARE.

Reconstructing Ethiopia’s Collective Memory by Rewriting its History: The Politics of Islam

Author: Tekalign Nega Angore
Date and place of defense: 4 December 2017, Tilburg University
Full text available via Tilburg University Research Portal.

The making of Islami economics : an epistemological inquiry into Islam’s moral economic teachings, legal discourse, and Islamization process

Author: Sami AlDaghistani
Date and place of PhD defense: 30 November 2017, Leiden University.
Full text available via Leiden Repository.

The Journey of a Taymiyyan Sufi: Sufism Through the Eyes of ʿImād al-Dīn Aḥmad al-Wāsiṭī (d. 711/1311)

Author: Arjan Post
Date and place of PhD defense: 27 November 2017, University of Utrecht.
Full text available via Utrecht University Repository.

Water en de Kom. Sociaal denken en handelen van kaderleden van de Turkse moskeeorganisatie Milli Görüş Amsterdam-West

Author: Hasan Yar
Date and place of PhD defense: 17 November 2017, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
Full text available via Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Research Portal.

NIẒᾹM KᾹMIL WA-SHᾹMIL: The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt As reflected in al-da‘wa and liwā’ al-’islām (1976-1981 1987-1988)

Author: Kiki Santing
Date and place of PhD defense: 29 June 2017, University of Groningen.
More info on dissertation available at Groningen repository.

Dissonant Voices: Islam-inspired music in Morocco and the politics of religious sentiments

Author: Nina ter Laan
Date and place of PhD defense: 19 December 2016, Radboud University.
Full text available via Radboud Repository.

Cosmopolis of Law: Islamic legal ideas and texts across the Indian Ocean and Eastern Mediterranean Worlds

Author: Mahmood Kooriadathodi
Date and place of PhD defense: 14 December 2016, Leiden University.
Full text available via Leiden Repository.

The Afterlife in Mind: Piety and Renunciatory Practice in the 2nd/8th- and early 3rd/9th-Century Books of Renunciation (Kutub al-Zuhd)

Author: Yunus Yaldiz
Date and place of PhD defense: 17 October 2016, Utrecht University.
Full text available via Utrecht University Repository.

Shi’i Muslim youth in the Netherlands: Negotiating Shi’i fatwas and rituals in the Dutch context

Author: Annemeik Schlatmann
Date and place of PhD defense: 6 June 2016, Utrecht University.
No full text available.

The religious polemics of the Muslims of Late Medieval Christian Iberia: Identity and religious authority in Mudejar Islam

Author: Mònica Colominas Aparicio
Date and place of PhD defense: 29 April 2016, University of Amsterdam.
Partial text available via UvA-DARE.

Shared questions, diverging answers: Muḥammad ʿAbduh and his interlocutors on “religion” in a globalizing world

Author: Ammeke Kateman
Date and place of PhD defense: 4 March 2016, University of Amsterdam.
Partial text available via UvA-DARE

Book ownership in Ottoman Sarajevo 1707-1828

Author: Asim Zubcevic
Date and place of PhD defense: 11 November 2015, Leiden University.
Full text available via Leiden repository.

Contesting Religious Authority: A study on Dakwah radio in Surakarta, Indonesia

Author: Sunarwoto
Date and place of PhD defense: 10 November 2015, Tilburg University.
Full text available via Tilburg University research portal.

Seeing God in This World and the Otherworld: Crossing Boundaries in Sufi Commentaries on the Qurʿān

Author: Pieter Coppens
Date and place of PhD defense: 11 September 2015, Utrecht University.
No full text available.

Islamic courts and women’s divorce rights in Indonesia. The cases of Cianjur and Bulukumba

Author: Stijn van Huis
Date and place of PhD defense: 8 September 2015, Leiden University.
Full text available via Leiden Repository.

A century of hands: work, communities, and identities among the Ayt Khebbash fossil artisans in a Moroccan Oasis

Author: Mayuka Tanabe
Date and place of PhD defense: 17 June 2015, Leiden University.
Full text available via Leiden Repository.

“Authentic Islam” : the religious profile of Taqī al-Dīn al-Hilālī (1893-1987) as reflected in his fatwas

Author: Abdesammad El Amraoui
Date and place of PhD defense: 6 May 2015, Leiden University.
Full text available via Leiden Repository.

There is no doubt. Muslim scholarship and society in 17th-century Central Sudanic Africa

Author: Dorrit van Dalen
Date and place of PhD defense: 22 April 2015, Leiden University.
Full text available via Leiden Repository.

Islamic divorces in Europe: Bridging the gap between European and Islamic legal orders

Author: Pauline Kruiniger
Date and place of PhD defense: 17 December 2014, Maastricht University.
Full text available via Maastricht Repository.

Pakistani Marriages and the Private International Laws of Germany and England

Author: Kaiser Chaudhary
Date and place of PhD defense: 22 December 2014, Maastricht University.
No full text available.

Shouting in a Desert: Dutch missionary encounters with Javanese Islam, 1850-1910

Author: Maryse Kruithof
Date and place of PhD defense: 11 December 2014, Erasmus University.
Full text available via Erasmus Repository.

The Islamic Bookbinding Tradition. A Book Archaeological Study

Author: Karin Scheper
Date and place of PhD defense: 12 October 2014, Leiden University.
Full text available via Leiden Repository.

The Sung home: Narrative, morality, and the Kurdish nation

Author: Akke Wendelmoet Hamelink
Date and place of PhD defense: 9 October 2014, Leiden University.
Full text available via Leiden Repository.

Islamic burials in the Netherlands and Belgium. Legal, religious and social aspects

Author: Khadija Kadrouch-Outmany
Date and place of PhD defense: 16 September 2014, Leiden University.
Full text available via Leiden Repository.

Speaking of home: Home and identity in the multivoiced narratives of descendants of Moroccan and Turkish migrants in the Netherlands.

Author: Femke Stock
Date and place of PhD defense: 11 September 2014, University of Groningen.
More info on dissertation available at Groningen Repository.

Ontmoetingen tussen Marokkaanse Nederlanders en de Marokkaanse overheid: Een antropologisch perspectief

Author: Merel Kahmann
Date and place of PhD defense: 16 April 2014, Leiden University.
Full text available via Leiden Repository.

Sisters in Islam. Women’s conversion and the politics of belonging: A Dutch case study

Author: Vanessa Vroon
Date and place of PhD defense: 9 April 2014, University of Amsterdam.
Full text available via UvA-DARE.

The rise of a capital: On the development of al-Fusṭāṭ’s relationship with its hinterland, 18/639-132/750

Author: Jelle Bruning
Date and place of PhD defense: 2 April 2014, Leiden University.
Full text available via Leiden Repository.

‘Maybe I’m still his wife’. Transnational divorce in Dutch-Moroccan and Dutch-Egyptian families

Author: Iris Sportel
Date and place of PhD defense: 18 February 2014, Radboud University.
Full text available via Radboud Repository.

Nurturing the Salalfi Manhaj: A Study of Salafi Pesantrens in Contemporary Indonesia

Author: Din Wahid
Date and place of PhD defense: 27 January 2014, Utrecht University.
Full text available via Igitur Repository.

Salafism in Lebanon. Local and Transnational Resources

Author: Zoltan Pall
Date and place of PhD defense: 14 January 2014, Utrecht University.
Full text available via Igitur Repository.

Pouvoir et territoire: L’administration islamique en Moyenne-Égypte pré-ṭūlūnide (642-868)

Author: Marie Legendre
Date and place of PhD defense: 12 December 2013, Leiden University.
Full text available via Leiden Repository.

Contesting sharia: State law, decentralization and Minangkabau custom

Author: Yasrul Huda
Date and place of PhD defense: 4 December 2013, Leiden University.
Full text available via Leiden Repository.

Female Religious Agents in Morocco: Old Practices and New Perspectives

Author: Aziza Ouguir
Date and place of PhD defense: 29 November 2013, University of Amsterdam.
Full text available via UvA-DARE.

Laverend langs grenzen: Transnationale gezinnen en Nederlands en islamitisch familie- en nationaliteitsrecht

Author: Friso Kulk
Date and place of PhD defense: 7 October 2013, Radboud University.
Full text available via Radboud Repository.

Family law in Syria: A plurality of laws, norms, and legal practices

Author: Esther van Eijk
Date and place of PhD defense: 19 September 2013, Leiden University.
Full text available via Leiden Repository.

Le livre décisif sur les religions et les sectes d’Ibn Hazm: Entre l’histoire du texte et la critique textuelle

Author: Samir Kaddouri
Date and place of PhD defense: 18 September 2013, Leiden University.
Full text available via Leiden Repository.

Learning to be authentic. Religious practices of German and Dutch Muslims following the Salafiyya in forums and chat rooms

Author: Carmen Becker
Date and place of PhD defense: 9 September 2013, Radboud University.
No full text available.

Islam and politics in Madura: Ulama and other local leaders in search of influence (1990-2010)

Author: Yanwar Pribadi
Date and place of PhD defense: 28 August 2013, Leiden University.
Full text available via Leiden Repository.

Joy and sorrow in early Muslim Egypt: Arabic papyrus letters, text and content

Author: Khaled Younes
Date and place of PhD defense: 27 August 2013, Leiden University.
Full text available via Leiden Repository.

Codifying a jurist’s law: Islamic criminal legislation and Supreme Court case law in the Sudan under Numairi and Bashīr

Author: Olaf Köndgen
Date and place of PhD defense: 12 June 2013, Univeristy of Amsterdam.
Full text available via UvA-DARE.

Becoming better Muslims Religious authority and ethical improvement in Aceh, Indonesia

Author: David Kloos
Date and place of PhD defense: 5 January 2013, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
Full text available via VU-DARE.

After the tsunami: The remaking of everyday life in Banda Aceh, Indonesia

Author: Annemarie Samuels
Date and place of PhD defense: 29 November 2012, Leiden University.
Full text available via Leiden Repository.

The State’s attitude toward Churches in the Netherlands after World War II

Author: Agnieszka Szumigalska
Date and place of PhD defense: 19 October 2012, Wroclaw University/Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
No full text available.

Between History and Legend: The Biography of the Prophet Muhammad by Ibn Shihāb al-Zuhrī

Author: Nicolet Boekhoeff – van der Voort
Date and place of PhD defense: 23 January 2012, Radboud University.
Full text available via Radboud Repository.

Islamic Criminal Law in Northern Nigeria: Politics, Religion, Judicial Practice

Author: Gunnar Weimann.
Date and place of PhD defense: 15 December 2010, University of Amsterdam.
Full text available via UvA-Dare.

A quietist Jihadi-Salafi: The ideology and influence of Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi

Author: Joas Wagemakers
Date and place of PhD defense: 16 November 2010, Radboud University.
Full text available via Radboud Repository.

Rhythms and rhymes of life: Music and identification processes of Dutch-Moroccan youth

Author: Miriam Gazzah
Date en place of PhD defense: 8 September 2008, Radboud University.
Full text available via Radboud Repository.

Islamic reformism and Christianity: A critical reading of the works of Muhammad Rashid Rida and his associates (1898-1935)

Author: Amr Ryad
Date and place of PhD defense: 12 June 2008, Leiden University.
Full text available via Leiden Repository.

Islam and disability: Perspectives in islamic theology and jurisprudence

Author: Mohammed Ghaly
Date and place of PhD defense: 27 February 2008, Leiden University.
Full text available via Leiden Repository.