Monthly Online Seminars for NISIS Junior Members

The NISIS Junior Council invites all Junior Members to join our monthly seminar which will be held online on the last Monday of each month at 3.30pm.
This seminar is meant as a way to keep in contact, discuss any problems that we face as PhD’s and specifically PhD’s in Islamic studies (in the broadest sense). But it can also be used as a platform to practice presentations for conferences and propose hypotheses in your research and receive feedback on them from (friendly) peers. Finally, it is possible to present and discuss (theoretical) literature in order to have better understanding of how to use theory in our research or to keep up with current publications that might be of interest to anyone working on NISIS-topics.
We hope you see the benefits in having a seminar like this, at the very least it is an opportunity to meet with colleagues from different parts of the world and sustain a network of PhD’s doing NISIS-related research.
If you’d like to give a presentation, please sign up for a specific date below (scroll down), we do expect you to take the responsibility of preparing something if you sign up.
We will have 40-60 minutes per person so two people can sign up for one session. We hope that if you sign up for one session you will attend the other dates as well, so you can give feedback to your peers and contribute to the discussions. If you have any readings to prepare for your own session, please send it to us ( at least one week in advance.
We are very excited to regularly engage with our NISIS-network and we hope to see you at the first session on September 25th at 3.30pm.
All the best,
NISIS Junior Council
Astrid Bourlond, Xiaokun Jiang and Nynke van Leeuwen