(Semi-) public study day ‘ISLAM AND THE STATE’ – 12 May 2023
The state remains contested in Muslim-majority countries and in Europe in relation to Muslim minorities.
The two seminars and the public lecture that constitute this one-day study day, co-organised by UCSIA and NISIS, focus on the various tensions around the topic of “Islam and the state”, particularly in two countries in North Africa and the Middle East: Morocco and Lebanon, and two in Western Europe: Belgium and the Netherlands.
By looking at the country of origin of many migrants in both Morocco and Lebanon, a Middle Eastern country consisting entirely of minorities and comparing that to migrant communities in Belgium and the Netherlands, this study day focusses on the production, reception and application of ideas on Islam and the state in various settings, concentrating on both theory and practice.
12.00-13.30: Workshop 1: Islam and the State in Lebanon with Roschanack Shaery-Yazdi and Ward Vloeberghs
13.30-14.30: Lunch break
14.30-16.00: Workshop 2: Islam and the State in Morocco with Sami Zemni and Nina ter Laan
16.00-16.30: Coffee break
16.30-18.00: Public lecture: Moroccan-Belgian and Moroccan-Dutch Minorities with Nadia Fadil and Martijn de Koning (in Dutch)
ECTS: students can gain 1 ECTS by actively participating in this study day.
Location: University of Antwerp, Stadscampus, Klooster van de Grauwzusters, Promotiezaal, Lange Sint-Annastraat 7, Antwerp, Belgium. For directions, please check this webpage and scroll down.
Remark: Workshop 1 and Workshop 2 will be in English; the Public lecture is in Dutch.
Registrations (by Friday 28 April 2023): please click here.
*Please note that online attendance is not possible for this study day.
Since we would like to encourage students and other interested people who live in The Netherlands to take part in this study day, we made sure the program starts at 12.00 and ends at 18.00 hours, so you can take a return train from The Netherlands to Antwerp on May 12th.
Please also note that we have travel funding available for NISIS members. We encourage all students to choose an environmentally friendly option, and to take the train instead. If you check out this website in advance, your travel costs will be fairly low.
This study day is co-organised by NISIS and UCSIA