NOSTER Midyear Meeting 2025: Getting Your Research Published
Halfway through the year, the NOSTER Midyear Meeting focuses on career perspectives, both within and outside academia. As an academic community of emerging and senior scholars, NOSTER offers a valuable platform to plan and promote your (academic) careers. This year, the theme is “Getting Your Research Published”. We will explore the value of different types of publishing (e.g., writing a monograph or article, co-authoring an article, or editing a volume or special issue). This year, we want to explore the value of different types of publishing. How are these evaluated in academia and how do these contribute to pursuing an academic career?
Credits: 0.5 EC
- 10:45-11:00 – Coffee & Welcome (foyer of the Dante building)
- 11:00-12:15 – Plenary session (Room DZ 3)
- 12:15-13:15 – Lunch (foyer of the Dante building)
- 13:30-15:00 – Workshop 1 Preparing an Academic Journal Article (Room DZ 3)
- 13:30-15:00 – Workshop 2 Writing an Academic Book Proposal (Room DZ 5)
- 15:00-15:15 – Coffee break
- 15:15-17:30 – Research Seminar Sessions. Please note that the seminars Religion, Theology and Gender and Dogmatic, Ethics and Philosophy of Religion will not meet during the Midyear Meeting.
- 17:30-18:30 – Drinks
Plenary Speakers
Professor dr Marcel Sarot will speak on how to publish your dissertation, discussing questions such as: How do you decide whether your dissertation should be a collection of articles or a monograph – if it hasn’t already been decided by your supervisor or institution? How do you decide whether you would like to publish your dissertation or a monograph based on your dissertation? How do you write a good book proposal and how do you select your preferred publisher?
Professor dr Thijl Sunier will tackle the intricacies of publishing an academic article: How do you decide what could become an article in a refereed journal? How do you turn your master’s thesis into an article or how do you write an article as a spin-off from your dissertation? How do you select a suitable journal and how does the selection process work?
Finally, Professor dr Erik Olsman will help you navigate the common but not often discussed reality of academic collaboration and co-authorship: How is co-authoring an article evaluated in different disciplines? If co-authoring really means collaborative writing, how does that work? How do you decide whether co-authoring or editing is productive in this phase of your academic career? How do you guarantee that your contribution to the final product is acknowledged?
Workshop 1: Writing an Academic Book Proposal with Professor dr. Marcel Sarot: This workshop will examine the intricacies of putting together an academic book proposal and help you navigate the process of writing your own. Participants will prepare the basic elements beforehand and will receive strategic feedback and tips to improve their proposal. Preparation: please prepare a short summary (one or two paragraphs), an annotated table of contents, and some notes on your target audience.
Workshop 2: Preparing an Academic Journal Article with Professor dr. Thijl Sunier: Articles are the bread and butter of your academic career, but how can you optimize the publishing process? In this workshop you will be introduced to some key strategies, and then tackle these together using your own research. Preparation: please prepare an abstract and a short synopsis (max. 250 words) of the research underpinning your article. (Avoid bringing a full draft of an article – the focus of this workshop is on the strategy of publishing an article, not on the details of a single article.)
How can I join?
Participation is free for NOSTER members (ReMA students and PhD candidates) and for ReMA students registered at any other research school in the Humanities. NISIS is partnering with NOSTER for this event. To enroll, please send an e-mail to