Dr. Mònica Colominas Aparicio
Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies
University of Groningen
Dr. Nathal Dessing
Faculty of Social Sciences
University of Leiden
Prof. Christian Lange
Faculty of Humanities
University of Utrecht
Prof. Karin van Nieuwkerk
Confidential Advisor NISIS
Faculty of Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies
Radboud University Nijmegen
Dr. Marina de Regt
Faculty of Social Sciences
VU Amsterdam
Prof. Amr Ryad
Faculty of Arts
KU Leuven
Dr. Ward Vloeberghs
Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Erasmus University College
Prof. Gerard Wiegers (president)
Faculty of Humanities
University of Amsterdam
Former board members:
Prof. Herman Beck
Tilburg School of Humanities
Tilburg University
Prof. Gabrielle van den Berg (confidential advisor)
Faculty of Humanities
Leiden University
Prof. Marjo Buitelaar
Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies
University of Groningen
Prof. Dick Douwes
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication
Erasmus University
Dr. Nico Landman
Faculty of Humanities
Utrecht University
Prof. Marcel Poorthuis
Tilburg School of Catholic Theology
Tilburg University
Prof. Susan Rutten
Faculty of Law
Maastricht University
Prof. Thijl Sunier (president)
Faculty of Social Sciences
VU Amsterdam