Netherlands Interuniversity School for Islamic Studies



LECTIO INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Networking through biography. Doctrinal and literary strategies in biographical literature for constructing intellectual networks from Antiquity to the Renaissance. KU Leuven, December 7- 9 december, 2022 Writing biographies or inserting biographical information into other literary genres is a proven way to construct pictures of intellectual (and other) networks. Various types of biography…

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Looking back on the NISIS Autumn School 2021

Although we are faced with a lockdown in The Netherlands currently, this fall we all enjoyed some weeks with fewer restrictions. This year’s Autumn School, which took place in Leuven from 8 to 12 November, was one of the events we were able to celebrate live – and what an inspiring and pleasant event it…

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PhD defence Lucia Admiraal

NISIS junior member Lucia Admiraal will defend her thesis “Entangled Loyalties in the Middle East: Discussions on Fascism, Nazism and Antisemitism in the Arabic Jewish Press 1933-1948” on 16 december at 13.00. The defence will take place at the Agnietenkapel in Amsterdam. Please see more information here.  

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ZemZem issue about Indonesia

ZemZem, the Dutch magazine about the Middle East, North Africa and Islam, will publish a new issue about Indonesia soon! The issue might be of special interest to those who are joining the upcoming NISIS Spring School “Mobility and Mobilisation in Muslim Societies” in Yogyakarta. This ZemZem issue will especially touch upon the colonial and postcolonial…

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