Netherlands Interuniversity School for Islamic Studies


Postdoctoral researcher Translations and commentaries on the Qur’an in European History

The Amsterdam School of Historical Studies (ASH) currently has a vacant postdoctoral position as part of the ERC-funded Synergy Project The European Qur’an. Islamic Scripture in European Culture and Religion 1150-1850 (EuQu), at the UvA led by prof. Gerard Wiegers. ASH is one of the six research schools under the aegis of the Amsterdam Institute…

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Meet the new Junior Council

Unfortunately, it is time to say goodbye to a few of our Junior Council members. We want to thank Aleksi Hämäläinen, Jamilah Sailan and Fitria Sari Yunianti for their hard work and support for NISIS! Luckily, we can also welcome some new members. As of now, our Junior Council consists of Hayat Ahlili (Utrecht University), Alon Dar…

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Symposium RIMO ‘’Informele geschillenbeslechting en Islam”

Symposium RIMO “Informele geschillenbeslechting en Islam” 4 juli 2019 Universiteit Leiden Op donderdag 4 juli 2019 organiseert de Vereniging tot bestudering van het recht van de Islam en het Midden-Oosten (RIMO) het 37ste jaarlijkse symposium. Het symposium “Informele geschillenbeslechting en Islam” vindt plaats in Leiden. Voor het programma en aanmelding voor het evenement, zie de…

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