Netherlands Interuniversity School for Islamic Studies


Registration form ENIS Spring School 2024

Peripheral Islam: Muslims on the Geographical, Normative, Political and Religious Margins

It is doubtful whether the Arab world should actually be seen as central to Muslims worldwide. One could easily make the case that the periphery – in all its diversity – is actually more important from a geographical point of view.

This Spring School focusses on these results of Muslims living, working and writing in the periphery and welcomes papers that show how, where and why peripheral Muslims – varying from marginalised areas and controversial scholars to ostracised politicians and heterodox sects – have shaped this periphery and have been shaped by this periphery.

To read the full Call for Papers, click here.

Please note that NISIS has funding available to cover travel- and accommodation costs for a limited amount of students, provided they choose environmentally friendly means of transport. In other words: we do sponsor train tickets; flights, however, are excluded. 

Wish to attend? Please register below by Wednesday May 1st, 2024.

Registration ENIS Spring School 2024 - University of Lausanne
Affiliation *
NISIS member? *
NISIS has funding available to cover travel and accommodation expenses for selected amount of students: max. 100 euros for non-NISIS members to cover travel- and accommodation costs, and max. 200 euros for NISIS members. Would you like to apply for funding?

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Maximum file size: 102.4MB

Maximum file size: 102.4MB

Maximum file size: 102.4MB