Netherlands Interuniversity School for Islamic Studies


In Memoriam: Prof. Dr. Ruud Peters

With sadness did the Netherlands Institute for the Study of Islam (NISIS) receive the message about the passing away of our esteemed colleague, Prof. Dr. Ruud Peters. With him we lose one of the founders in the Netherlands of the study of Islam, in particular Islamic law. His knowledge and sharp analyses made him a…

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Registration form NISIS Junior Hike – Saturday March 12th

As the most restrictive corona measures are over, the birds start singing again and the sun finally shows its face, we would like to invite you all on a NISIS Junior Hike! This would give us a wonderful opportunity to come together, meet and mingle, talk about our research or anything else whilst getting some…

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CALL FOR PAPER: Conference – Ibn Taymiyya’s thought – 9-10 November 2022, Paris (or online)

ORGANIZERS • Mehdi Berriah, VU Amsterdam • Arjan Post, KU Leuven • Sarah Van Eyken, KU Leuven • Nadjet Zouggar, Aix-Marseille University OVERVIEW Over the past two decades, the growing number of works on Ibn Taymiyya (d. 728/1328) confirms the ever growing interest of scholars in the famous Ḥanbalī theologian of Damascus who is undeniably…

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