Netherlands Interuniversity School for Islamic Studies


Join the NWO Synergy Award

Calling all PhDs in the Social Sciences and the Humanities: are you ready to make an impact on society? Scientific impact matters Young researchers often are at the forefront of scientific innovation, but don’t always have the time, network or financial means to translate those innovative insights into societal impact. NWO offers a helping hand….

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Vacancy: Doctoral and Postdoctoral researchers at TU Dortmund

The Faculty of Humanities and Theology at TU Dortmund is seeking doctoral and postdoctoral researchers for a project on social capital formation in religious communities. The application deadline is 5 November 2020. See more information below:

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NISIS Masterclass #2: “Arts and Media”

On the 1st of October, 2020, the second session of the NISIS Masterclass Series “The Past and Future of Islamic Studies” will be hosted by the NISIS Junior Council. In this session, we continue to face Islamic studies at a cross-roads. This time we look at Islamic art and media. Throughout the years, scholars in…

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