Netherlands Interuniversity School for Islamic Studies


Partnership Ruhr University Bochum

We are happy to announce that as of September 2020, NISIS has entered a partnership with the Department of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies at Ruhr University Bochum. We hope to welcome many students and scholars from Bochum at our events and look forward to fruitful collaborations! The Department of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (Seminar für…

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Utrecht I&A Conversations

NISIS member Mehdi Sajid (Utrecht University) has launched a new platform for live conversations with scholars from Islamic Studies. The platform is called Utrecht I&A Conversations and the past sessions are freely available to watch on YouTube. Click this link to watch the past sessions with Prof. Farid Esack (University of Johannesberg), Dr. Adis Duderija…

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Vacancy: Tenure Track Full Professor Islamic Origins

The Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies at the University of Groningen seeks to appoint a Tenure Track Full Professor of Islamic Origins. The deadline is extended to 13 September to encourage more female candidates to apply. Click here to read more about the position and the application process.

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OSL/NISIS Workshop: “Muslim Worlds/World Literatures”

On 12 February 2021, the Research School for Literary Studies (OSL) and NISIS will collaborate to host an online workshop about “Muslim Worlds/World Literatures.” The event is organized by Dr. Alberto Godioli (OSL, RUG) and Prof. Christian Lange (NISIS, UU). As suggested by the plurals in the title, the event aims to question univocal views of…

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