
Granada ENIS Spring School 2019: “Patronage and Clientelism in the Muslim world”
PhD candidate students and advanced MA students, whose research focuses on the study of Muslims, Muslim societies and Islam, in the broadest sense of the word, are invited to apply for participation. The application deadline is Friday, the 25th of January 2019. Applications can be sent to Prof. Christian Lange (Director NISIS): For further…
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NISIS/NOSTER Network Meeting 2019
Just like last year, we will organize our midyear meeting together with NOSTER (the Netherlands School for Advanced Studies in Theology and Religion). This year we have chosen for a thematic approach and will focus on the theme: ‘Moving in/out Religion’. During this day we will explore (research into) changing religious identities and discuss various movements in,…
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NISIS Autumn School 2018: Travelling Muslims
NISIS Autumn School 2018: Travelling Muslims From Monday 15 until Thursday 18 October 2018, the eighth annual NISIS Autumn School will take place at the University of Groningen. This year’s Autumn School themed ‘Travelling Muslims’ is organised by NISIS and the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies of the University of Groningen in cooperation with…
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