Netherlands Interuniversity School for Islamic Studies


Call for Papers: Network Day ‘Islamic Humanities’

The Leuven Centre for the Study of Islam, Culture and Society (LCSICS) is delighted to announce the inaugural “Islamic Humanities Network Day,” scheduled for October 18th, 2024. This event marks a significant milestone in our commitment to fostering interdisciplinary dialogue and advancing scholarship in the field of Islam and Muslim societies at KU Leuven.

The theme of this network day is “Islamic Humanities”, focusing on the rich intersections between Islam and various disciplines within the humanities. Islamic cultures and societies have held a longstanding commitment to these, whether it is through philosophy, poetry, law, arts, medicine, theology or architecture. The LCSICS welcomes submissions that explore diverse aspects of Islamic civilization, Muslim communities, and the multifaceted expressions of Islam.

The LCSICS welcomes submissions from junior researchers, including master students, doctoral students, and postdoctoral researchers, whose work engages with the theme of Islamic Humanities. This network day offers an exceptional platform for emerging scholars to showcase their research and engage in interdisciplinary discussions with peers and established academics.

The event will feature a keynote lecture by prof. dr. Aymon Kreil (UGent).

Submission Guidelines

  • Abstracts should be submitted by July 31st, 2024 to ;
  • Abstracts must not exceed 300 words and should clearly outline the research topic, methodology, and significance;
  • Please include a brief biography (maximum 100 words) detailing your academic affiliation and research interests;
  • Selected participants will be notified by September 1st, 2024 and invited to present their research at the network day.

The LCSICS looks forward to welcoming you at the Islamic Humanities Network Day at LCSICS, KU Leuven, and to explore the rich tapestry of Islamic civilization through interdisciplinary dialogue and research.
Should you have any inquiries, please contact the LCSICS staff at