Netherlands Interuniversity School for Islamic Studies


You can now register for the NISIS-ACMES Workshop

For the Workshop ‘Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies in Dialogue’ you can now register through this link. Please make sure to register before May 13, 2019! We are looking forward to welcoming you in Amsterdam.

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CALL FOR PAPERS: Narrating the pilgrimage to Mecca: experiences, emotions, and meanings

Conveners: Prof. Dr. Marjo Buitelaar (University of Groningen) & Dr. Richard van Leeuwen (University of Amsterdam). Date: 12 & 13 December 2019. Venue: University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Key note speakers: Professor Seán McLoughlin (University of Leeds) To be announced Respondent: Professor Simon Coleman (University of Toronto) Given the centrality of Mecca and the…

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Autumn School “Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies in the Digital Age”

Registration is closed. In 2012, the noted scholar of literature and digital humanist Jerome McGann wrote than “traditional programs are graduating Ph.D. students with no programmatic training in the tools and resources that have already become a regular part of their scholarly and educational lives… If our curricula and students are to be taken seriously…

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Workshop: “Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies in Dialogue”

Co-organised by the Amsterdam Centre for Middle Eastern Studies (ACMES) and the Netherlands Interuniversity School of Islamic Studies (NISIS) 24 May 2019, University of Amsterdam, 1:30-5pm Islamic and Middle Eastern studies are cognate academic disciplines, but scholars in both fields often go about their research in relative isolation from each other. Various reasons account for…

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