Netherlands Interuniversity School for Islamic Studies


Call for papers NISIS Autumn School ’24: “Shiism and Sectarian Identities from Pre-Modern to Modern Islam”

The rift between Sunnis and Shiʿi, which takes its origins in the debate about the succession to the Prophet Muhammad, is one of the oldest fault lines in Islam. Since then, Sunnism and Shiism have developed and crystallised into what they are today: broad and diverse traditions. Despite their many commonalities, they differ in far…

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Call for Papers: Network Day ‘Islamic Humanities’

The Leuven Centre for the Study of Islam, Culture and Society (LCSICS) is delighted to announce the inaugural “Islamic Humanities Network Day,” scheduled for October 18th, 2024. This event marks a significant milestone in our commitment to fostering interdisciplinary dialogue and advancing scholarship in the field of Islam and Muslim societies at KU Leuven. Theme…

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Een kijkje in de keuken

Feestelijke lancering van het nieuwste nummer van tijdschrift ZemZem over eetcultuur en voedselpolitiek in het Midden-Oosten Programma: “Sprinkhanen snacken met de Profeet: insecten als voedsel in het islamitische Midden-Oosten”, lezing van Willem Flinterman, arabist en historicus. In gesprek met Fausia S. Abdul over de Arabisch-Caribische cuisine. Hapjes en drankjes met een verhaal. Datum & tijd:…

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