Netherlands Interuniversity School for Islamic Studies


Report seminar “Islamic Philosophy?”

On Friday 12 April, the Netherlands Interuniversity School of Islamic Studies (NISIS) organised a seminar on Islamic philosophy at and in collaboration with Radboud University, Nijmegen. It started with introductions by Professor Carla Rita Palmerino, the director of research and head of the department of the History of Philosophy (both at the Faculty of Philosophy,…

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‘De ‘lange arm’ hoort nou eenmaal bij migratie’

Opiniestuk uit het NRC van zaterdag 24 februari 2024, door Thijl Sunier, emeritus hoogleraar antropologie aan de Vrije Universiteit met de leerstoel ‘Islam in Europese samenlevingen’ en bestuursvoorzitter van Onderzoekschool NISIS. Foto: Marten van Dijl/ ANP  

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Registration form ENIS Spring School 2024

Peripheral Islam: Muslims on the Geographical, Normative, Political and Religious Margins It is doubtful whether the Arab world should actually be seen as central to Muslims worldwide. One could easily make the case that the periphery – in all its diversity – is actually more important from a geographical point of view. This Spring School…

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Call for Papers: ENIS Spring School 2024

THIS CALL WAS CLOSED ON MAY 1st. We don’t accept any registrations received after the closing date. Peripheral Islam: Muslims on the Geographical, Normative, Political and Religious Margins When picturing the mainstream of Islam, many people will think of Arabs from the Middle East. While the latter area is clearly the first region in which…

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