Netherlands Interuniversity School for Islamic Studies


Winter School: Commensality and Cultural Heritage in the Middle East and Its Diasporas

This Winter School revolves around the theme of “commensality,” which means being at the same table and eating together, with literal and metaphorical implications for respecting differences among those who share a meal. As a field of growing research in the arena of public health, scholars now connect commensality and sociability to individual and communal…

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Call for Papers: Sensing the Materiality of the Early Modern Islamic World

Historians of Islamic art have long been attentive to the sensory properties of material culture and architecture in the early modern period. The longstanding interest in perception coupled with more recent efforts to understand it as a multi-sensorial phenomenon has also nurtured breakthroughs in the study of aesthetics and major epistemological reorientations within the field….

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Second Annual Medieval Middle East Conference

This October saw the second edition of the Annual Medieval Middle East Meeting, this time at the University of Amsterdam. Dutch universities are home to a quite large number of researchers and lecturers working on the premodern Islamicate world in all its respects. However, they are spread out over various departments, ranging from languages to…

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